There are times when it’s difficult to be enthusiastic about life.
Maybe you’ve suffered a loss.
Maybe the economy has taken a turn for the worse and affected you badly.
Whatever the reason, you can’t stay morose forever otherwise you’d end up like Marvin in the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
But snapping out of your current mood isn’t easy.
Start by being less negative – stop watching the news, unfollow “friends” who are always thinking the worst.
Smile more often – this sounds way too simple but try it and you’ll see how well it works.
Look upwards – literally. Staring down at the ground allows you to wallow in your thoughts so look up more often.
Find things to cheer you up.
That could be cute cats, funny memes, comedy shows. Whatever lifts your mood because that will spill over into the rest of your life.
Choose a new hobby – that will divert your attention and help you become more enthusiastic.
And, while you’re at it, look after yourself better. Because if you’ve lost your enthusiasm for life there’s a good chance you’ve neglected yourself.
Smarten yourself up. Take more pride in your appearance (even if you rarely meet anyone else). Grab yourself by the scruff of the neck – at least metaphorically.
And take a few minutes every day - for at least the next few days - to listen to a hypnosis track to help you get your enthusiasm and mojo back.
There’s a link here:
Click it to go there now.
You’ll be glad you did.
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