0:01:18 - 1st plane's roar before it crashes into the north face of WTC 1 (North Tower) at 8:46:30am (0:01:27).
0:01:50 - CUT to segment 8:47:04am - 9:00:25am (+/- 1 s). Fire truck races towards WTC.
0:02:14 - Batt. Chief Pfeifer: "...looked like American airliner" (?)
0:02:31 - Clean version. The watermarked portion has no 2nd impact scene. This portion was replaced by this clean segment.
0:05:23 - Glimpse of the south side of WTC-1 lobby w/ southern shuttle-elevator bank. View through blasted out 1st floor windows of west face.
0:06:38 - Splintered glass in revolving doors. Broken and fallen-off marble panels at the western core perimeter. Screams. Someone is still on fire about 6 minutes (!) after impact.
0:12:04 - Silverstein's WTC sec. chief John O'Neill arrives at the lobby (behind firefighters).
0:15:11 - CUT to segment 9:00:30am - 9:18:52am (+/- 2s).
0:17:37 - Roaring sound and then an explosion as the aircraft crashes into WTC 2 (South Tower) at 9:02:59am (0:17:40). Debris and some people can be seen falling on the WTC Plaza along the east face of WTC 1.
0:19:51 - FDNY Deputy Chief Peter Hayden calls after Batt. Chief Orio Palmer.
0:22:19 - FDNY commissioner Thomas van Essen and FF & OEM member Tim Brown.
0:23:21 - Some unrecognizable, smoldering stuff is lying in front of the vestibule doors. Maybe charred bodies and/or clothes. Later interviews w/ first responders confirm burned and deceased bodies.
0:23:49 - NYC-OEM director Richard Sheirer talking to the radio.
0:25:03 - FF Joe Cassaligi. Has witnessed the second plane crash.
0:32:15 - Chief of Safety Albert Turi discussing matters with Hayden and Chief Callan.
0:33:34 - CUT to segment 9:??:??am - 9:??:??am.
Possible end of raw tape #1 and the start of raw tape #2 (watermarked).
Runtime of raw tape according to the NIST Video List: 33 min.
0:38:47 - CUT to segment 9:??:??am - 9:??:??am.
0:41:56 - EMS worker: "... 7 World Trade Center...". Maybe referring to the triage area which was set up at the WTC-7 loading docks at Vesey Street.
0:45:27 - R. Sheirer: "...another plane coming...".
0:56:03 - CUT to segment 9:42:41am - 10:17:07am (+/- 2s).
0:58:14 - People leaving northern shuttle car #15.
1:02:41 - Brief portion of Orio Palmer's radio transmission from WTC 2:
"...walls are breached, so be careful".
1:07:57 - O. Palmer's voice on the radio: "...south stairway [A]dam, South Tower..."
1:12:21 - WTC-2 destruction starts at 9:58:59am off-camera and groaning sound. People fleeing from the Fire Command Station to the northern escalator that goes up to WTC 6/north footbridge. Lights went off and dust fills the area.
1:14:12 - Pfeifer orders the evacuation of all FDNY units still inside WTC 1.
1:21:50 - On the northern West Street footbridge connecting WTC 6 with WFC 3.
Pfeifer and others move west toward WFC.
1:22:00 - Moving back to WTC 6 over the footbridge again.
1:22:25 - Firefighter guessing about the cause of this devastation, mentions the possibility of explosive charges having taken down WTC 2.
1:24:20 - Looking on the WTC-1 NW corner and west face through the plaza level windows of WTC 6.
1:25:00 - Finally moving back again to WFC 3.
1:26:43 - View on WTC 6 from WFC 3. Moving down the stairs to the first floor.
1:27:18 - The group exits WFC 3 on West Street underneath the northern footbridge.
1:29:08 - Still burning WTC 1 and the badly damaged Marriott Hotel (WTC 3), as viewed from west.
1:29:34 - Unknown man yells for help. This can also be heard in the CBS News' Mark LaGanga ftg.
1:30:29 - CUT to segment 10:18:21am - 10:32:23am (+/- 2 s).
Possible end of raw tape #2 and start of raw tape #3.
Runtime of tape according to the NIST Video List: 58 min.
1:32:40 - Walking north towards West/Vesey Streets.
1:33:00 - Bolivar Arellano/NY Post.
1:33:23 - Booming noise? Video fades to black.
1:35:52 - Another booming sound? Comments in the background: "Wow" and "...explosion"
1:38:07 - Third booming sound? Naudet pans and zooms his camera on the top of WTC 1.
1:40:30 - Sudden load booming noise as WTC 1 begins to collapse at 10:28:22am.
The collapse-initiation sound was removed from the related documentary "9/11".
1:44:01 - CUT. Possible end of raw tape #3.
Runtime of raw tape according to the NIST Video List: 14 min.
Videographer: Jules Naudet/Goldfish Pictures, Inc.
View toward WTC from: NE, N, NW, SW, W
Camera Location: Multiple, Manhattan
Source of used video parts:
0:00:00 - Part 1 of 4:
911datasets.org, NIST FOIA #09-42, Release 29,
DVD Video: 42A0334 - G29D20 ("VHS Cassette of FDNY 9/11 Videotape"),
Time in: 0h:00mn:00s.000ms / Time out: 0h:02mn:31s.902ms.
0:02:31 - Part 2 of 4:
Time in: 1h:23mn:24s.082ms / Time out: 1h:54mn:26s.710ms.
0:33:34 - Part 3 of 4:
Time in: 0h:12mn:35s.622ms / Time out: 1h:09mn:30s.767ms.
1:30:29 - Part 4 of 4:
Time in: 1h:09mn:42s.078ms / Time out: 1h:23mn:18s.660ms.