If this is truly what you want. You will become a doctor. It’s that simple. But let me make one thing clear. It won’t be easy. It will take a lot of work. And I mean a lot of work. More work than you think it will take. It will demand you to become someone that you’ve never been before. Someone who deserves to wear that stethoscope and treat patients in their most vulnerable times of their lives. It WILL be worth it. If this is truly what you want.
But you have to realize one thing. You’re not the only one who wants this. There are thousands of other students who want the exact same thing as you. While you’re not studying there is some else who is. While you’re sleeping in there is someone else who got up early to review for their biochemistry class. There is always someone somewhere who is working to take your spot. Now I’m not saying you have to study 24/7 365days of the year. But what I am saying that if you want to be in the top % of students who get in. Who become a doctor. You’re going to have to start acting like a top student. That means studying, reviewing. Even when you don’t feel like it. Prioritizing your education ahead of being cool, ahead of what your friends are doing. It means staying disciplined and focused, even when you feel like you’re not making progress.
Because it’s true the road is long. It is difficult. But it’s designed that way. You know why? Because it’s worth it. Being a doctor is just about one of the most noble things you can do with your life. Have you ever heard a parent discourage their child from being a doctor? Of course not. In just about ever country on Earth at any point of time practicing medicine is just about one of the most noble and rewarding things you can do professionally. So of course it’s hard. But that’s because it’s worth it. And if this is what you truly want. You’ll endure the sacrifices and it will be worth it.
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