
Effective Online Teaching During Covid-19 Pandemic-Part-3

Effective Online Teaching During Covid-19 Pandemic-Part-3 Greetings of Day to all Viewers

Welcome on board to the final part of series of Effective Online Teaching During Covid-19 Pandemic which highlighted mutiple aspects starting from making effective powerpoint presentation with various effects, formatting, inserting images, effective use of eyedropper tool and many more.

Later on we also discuss the most important part of the series is how to create an effective video using powerpoint with the help of Slide Show record and various options assoicated to it.

We also learnt we have th power to edit individual slides to change the voice or edit the part of it.

Last but not the least we have also learnt how to save it as video fiel and after saving the size of the file is very long so we have also use #handbrake tool which is very powerful by doing minimum settings and making the best comparession of video and finally comparation is also done.

Thank You for watching this video and please if you like my effort don't forgot hit like subscribe and share so that i can do much better content for you.

Please don't forgot to comment about the video and your suggestions.

Thanknig You


Dr. Ajay Shriram Kushwaha

COVID-19,Pandemic,Education,Teaching,Teachers,Higher Education,Effective,Online Teaching,Tools,ICT,Webinar,FDP,SDP,Tutorial,Covid-19,Online Education,UGC,MHRD,HRDC,Workshop,Online Learning,Teaching via Virtual Mode,Free Courses,Great Tools for Teachers,Multidisciplinary,HandBrake,Video Compression,High Quality,Powerpoint,Slideshow Record,Recording,Video Lecture,

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