A hatchery is a facility where eggs are hatched under artificial conditions, especially those of fish or poultry. It may be used for ex-situ conservation purposes, i.e. to breed rare or endangered species under controlled conditions; alternatively, it may be for economic reasons
Poultry Hatcheries
Larger poultry hatcheries are related to industrial poultry meat or egg production. This is a multibillion dollar industry, with highly regimented production systems used to maximize bird size or egg production versus feed consumed. Generally large numbers are produced at one time so the resulting birds are uniform in size and can be harvested (for meat) or brought into production (for eggs) at the same time. A large hatchery produces 15 million chicks annually.
Poultry generally start with naturally (most species) or artificially (turkeys and Cornish-related chicken breeds) inseminated hens that lay eggs; the eggs are cleaned and shells are checked for soundness before being put into the incubators. Incubators control temperature and humidity, and turn the eggs until just before they hatch. Three days before the eggs are scheduled to hatch, they are moved into a hatcher unit, where they are no longer turned so the embryos have time to get properly oriented for their exit from the shell, and the temperature and humidity are optimum for hatching. Once the eggs hatch and the chicks are a few days old, they are often vaccinated.
Biosecurity, Poultry Diseases, Broiler, Broody Hen, Capon, Chick peep
Cockerel, Egg Laying Bird, Hen, Flock, Free Range, Fryer
Meat Bird, Meat chicken
Specific breeds, Marek’s Disease, Organic Chicken
Pastured Poultry, Pullet, Roaster, Chicken bred
Rooster, Reed
Sexing – The process of separating day-old chicks by gender.
Started Pullet – lay pullets, egg laying
Starter Feed – baby chicks,
Straight Run – hatched.
Sustainable Farming Sustainable poultry.. organic chickens - pastured poultry
Free range techniques.
Hatchery chicks
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