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I’m not sure why, but I feel like the more money we get, the more crazy things we buy. And if you look around, you’ll realize that a lot of rich people are actually buying the same things we all buy, their stuff is just more expensive because it’s branded, or it looks slightly nicer, or it’s more expensive simply because...they’re rich? I mean, we’re all humans, so we basically have the same needs. But while I’m okay with just paying five dollars for a meal, a rich person will not conform for a meal that is less than a few hundred dollars. In today’s video, we’ll be looking at “15 of the most expensive things people actually bought.” Some of these purchases make sense, but some of them are just insane. I’ll let you be the judge and let you decide if you’d spend this much on these things or if you’d save your money for something else. Let’s begin.
Carpets make a nice decoration at home and they allow us to walk freely without shoes inside our living spaces. But how much would you be eager to pay for a carpet? Apparently, there’s someone in this world who decided to pay more than 33 million dollars for a carpet. And in case you’re wondering why it was so expensive - it’s because it was woven in Persia around the year 1700. Whenever I’m home, I usually take my shoes to walk on a carpet, but I’d be too afraid to walk on this one at all! It’s too nice and expensive.
Priciest Book
Not many people buy physical books these days. We all have our smartphones, our tablets, and our computers to read anything you want. A quick download can get us in front of our favorite books. But back in 2013, someone paid 14.2 million dollars for a copy of the Bay Psalm Book, a manuscript that was printed in the 17th century. This is one of the only eleven copies of the first edition of this book and I guess it can only become more valuable as the years pass.
It seems like we all have cameras these days thanks to our smartphones, but those who love photography will always want a different option. And there are all sorts of cameras they can get to explore and improve their skills. But I doubt any of the cameras you can get at a shop is more expensive than this Leica camera that was made in 1923. It was sold to a private collector from Asia, at the price of 2.4 million Euro, which is roughly around 2.7 million dollars.
Bottle of Wine
Wine can be cheap, but it can also be expensive. They gain more value thanks to their name and the time it takes to make them. The most expensive wine ever sold was this bottle of 1945 Romanee-Conti at the price of 558,000 dollars. That’s 17 times its original price and they only produced 600 bottles of this vintage wine.
Who knew a burger could be that expensive? If anything, the burgers at Wendy’s can be a bit over 8 dollars, and that’s a bit too expensive for me already. And I guess some fancy restaurants have some fancy burgers at high prices, but I never imagined one of them could cost 5,000 dollars! But that’s exactly what you have to pay if you want to try The FleurBurger 5000 at Las Vegas’ Fleur Restauran inside the Mandalay Bay Casino. It’s made out of Wagyu beef, and it’s topped with seared foie gras and truffle shavings. Just talking about it is making me hungry, but unfortunately, I don’t have the money to buy one right now.
Extravagant Umbrella
There are many materials that are waterproof, ideal to make an umbrella. But it never crossed my mind that crocodile skin could be an option, let alone - the most expensive one. It’s said that the most expensive umbrella in the world is this crocodile skin umbrella that costs 50,000 dollars. With this umbrella, I’m sure rain won’t be a problem - I just wonder how much it’d cost to buy clothes that looks good with it.
The Sharpest Knife
The sharpest knife in the world, is also the most expensive one. That’s because it has a carbon steel blade and a sterling silver handle that has eight diamonds on it. It even comes in a nice box and it costs 39,600 dollars. It is made by Nesmuk, one of the most prestigious brands when it comes to knives. Cutting food will be easier, but buying food might be a bit harder after getting one of these.
LV Skateboard
One thing I know about skateboarders is that they like to have a simple life. I’m sure most of them love to save money and expensive products are not their thing unless it’s really worth it. However, there is this Louis Voutton Skateboard that would make you think it’s trying to get sold to a very skilled skateboarder