
How To Lift Heavy Weight Safely

How To Lift Heavy Weight Safely Do you keep your back healthy?
One of the biggest causes of back injury is lifting objects incorrectly.

So, the BIG question is:

- What is the recommended way to lift heavy weights?
- What is the difference between lifting a light object with a healthy back compared to lifting it with a spinal pathology?
- What about light objects and forward bending?
- What about bending forward with a pathological spinal condition?

Watch this important video and get answers to all the questions above!

Important note:
Bending forward is not a contraindication in our daily life.
It is a very important movement to be kept and maintained.

In many occasions in life, we need (and should) use segmental rounded bending (in healthy back cases) such as in tying shoelaces, picking a light object off the ground etc.
In many daily activities that are not involved with high or vertical pressure - rounding the spine comes naturally.

- For lifting medium to heavy-weight keep your back straight.
- For a lightweight object, we need (and should) use segmental rounded bending.
- In a pathological spinal condition, it is recommended to maintain a straight back.

There is no one way to bend.
We should teach our students/patients various strategies for bending, allowing them to choose the right way depending on the specific functional demands.

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Thanks for watching!

Amit G Alon
Dr. Gil Solberg
And the Muscle and Motion Team

Bending forward,Posture,Sitting all day,HOW TO LIFT A LIGHT / HEAVY OBJECT SAFELY?,keep your back healthy,lifting objects,lifting objects incorrectly.,safe lifting tips,safe lifting,הרמת חפצים בצורה נכונה,איך להרים חפצים מהריצפה,כפיפה נכונה,Heavy Weight,4 tips to lift weight,

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