
Painter|Sculptor Peter Reginato talks about reworking a painting

Painter|Sculptor Peter Reginato talks about reworking a painting In March 2015 I got to do more filming with Painter/Sculptor Peter Reginato. We spoke a lot on the subject of reworking paintings. What you witness is part of that talk. Lots to learn about painting that you won't get in school.

Intro photo by Cynthia Basinet.

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And be sure to check out more of Reginato's work at

Peter Reginato,Sculpture (Visual Art Form),Painting (Visual Art Form),Abstract Expressionism (Art Period/Movement),Abstract Art (Art Period/Movement),Fine Art (Industry),Adelson Gallery,New York City (City/Town/Village),SoHo Manhattan (Administrative Division),Greene Street,Manhattan (City/Town/Village),Art,Cynthia Basinet (Musical Artist),Color,Day-Glo,Enamel Paint (Visual Art Medium),Manhattan (Political District),

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