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In world first -- UNSW researchers convert sunlight to electricity with over 40 percent efficiency
"UNSW Australia's solar researchers have converted over 40% of the sunlight hitting a solar system into electricity, the highest efficiency ever reported."
New world record for solar cell efficiency at 46% French-German cooperation confirms competitive advantages of European photovoltaic industry
"A new world record for the direct conversion of sunlight into electricity has been established."
Australia develops world's most efficient solar panels
"?Australian researchers have developed a new method of using commercial solar panels that converts more electricity from sunlight than ever before."
What is the efficiency of different types of power plants?
"One measure of the efficiency of a power plant that converts a fuel into heat and into electricity is the heat rate."
Improving Efficiencies
"Improving efficiency levels increases the amount of energy that can be extracted from a single unit of coal."
The Most Common Electricity Sources in the U.S.
"Though renewable energy is growing fast, the U.S. still gets the vast majority of its power from conventional power plants."
Increasing the Efficiency of Existing Coal-Fired Power Plants
"Coal has long been the major fossil fuel used to produce electricity."
Coal Will Survive as Efficient Power Plants Boost Demand
"President Barack Obama's plan to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions left coal with a future even as the industry accuses him of trying to make the fuel obsolete."
How Do Wind Turbines Work?
"So how do wind turbines make electricity?"
Screwy-looking wind turbine makes little noise and a big claim
"Although it's getting increasingly common to see solar panels on the roofs of homes, household wind turbines are still a fairly rare sight."
Betz's law
Wind Energy More Energy Efficient than Fossil Fuels
"Here's something that may surprise you. Wind energy is more efficient than carbon-based fuels."
Wind Energy's Shadow: Turbines Drag Down Power Potential
"As seemingly limitless as the air that swirls around us, wind has proven to be the world's fastest-growing source of renewable energy."
Advanced Nuclear Power Reactors
"The nuclear power industry has been developing and improving reactor technology for more than five decades and is starting to build the next generation of nuclear power reactors to fill new orders."
Hydroelectric Power
"Hydro-electric power, using the potential energy of rivers, now supplies 17.5% of the world's electricity (99% in Norway, 57% in Canada, 55% in Switzerland, 40% in Sweden, 7% in USA)."
Hydroelectric Power
"It's a form of energy ... a renewable resource."
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