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#lawofattraction #spirituality #awakening
This video I'm going to share with you the most powerful technique you can apply for attracting love, at least that I've seen that I know works very powerfully. I'm going to show you exactly how to apply that in this video. Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness.
Now in this video I'm going to share with you that most powerful technique you could apply towards attracting love and relationships. The information in this video is coming from that of the event that I'm at right now, which is called a date with destiny. It's by Tony Robbins, and is a six day old event here in Palm beach, Florida. I'm here with my buddy Victor Oddo.
We are at this transformational workshop. You know, six day event. They're very long days. Sometimes they go from 11 in the morning, which I know doesn't seem that bad, but till like one 30 to three in the morning and they are very intensive.
You get up and you jump around like every 15, 20 minutes to get into state. And then what you do is after that you, um, do a lot of exercises, a lot of workshops. And the primary focus of the, the a whole entire workshop is to get into a new version of yourself. In a way, it's to change your beliefs, your values, your rules about life and happiness.
When you change it and you rewire yourself, you then experience a new reality. Now, one of the most popular nights is relationship night, which is night number four. And a in it, he said something that I found very powerful, something that I've also noticed. Many people use this unconsciously to attract love into their life. I've seen it because I've been making videos on YouTube for like three years now.
So I know how powerful this is. It's something that I look back on. I see that I've used this as well. Now this is the technique and this is what you do. So normally the way people go about law of attraction manifestation is they focus on what they want to attract. They focus on attracting someone like this with this certain quality into their life.
The thing that a lot of people miss is something that is called outer intention, which means, uh, that actually comes from a book called reality transurfing, which is a very powerful manifestation book. It's mainly a book on how reality works by a quantum physicist in Russia named the deems Zealand.
There's a talk, there's a premise in there, a technique that is called outer intention. What I realized is this technique that Tony Robins talks about is out or intention and he's a lot of people that have gone to this seminar and then met the love of their life and use this kind of technology, I guess you could say these day.
That's called a call to technology. It's also outer intention. They don't even know it. Now there's inner intention, which is the intentions that we have to create our life. When we say I want that, my attention is to become more successful, my intention is to become more successful though so that I can feel more free.
My intention is to attract love into my life so that I can feel more passionate. Now the thing is, is what most people miss is this thing called outer intention, which is the intention of not just us but of other people. So if we can align our intention to the outer intention of ourselves, which isn't the ways other people's intention, we then align ourselves with the win-win scenario.
Now, for example, you may have heard my story before, so I'm sorry if I mentioned this and you're like, man, I heard that story a long time ago and you're were it again, it's the story of how I attracted the house.
I used to have the house that I lived at for over a year. I went to go get it. It was a certain amount per month. I wanted it, I saw it. And what happened was, is I was one of five. I was one of four other people. So that's five total that were competing, competing for that house. We all put in rental applications. I thought, huh, I gotta do something so that I stand out and cause I really wanted that house. I looked at all the other houses that...
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