
Commercial Burglary 5557 N 5th St DC 20 35 044683

Commercial Burglary 5557 N 5th St DC 20 35 044683 On Sunday May 31, 2020 at approximately 1:30 AM, large group of unknown men/women gained entry into the Philadelphia Money Loan Pawn Shop located at 5557 N 5th Street. Once inside the individuals took merchandise including musical instruments, tools and a firearm ( 9mm Beretta model 92FS Serial #BER365376Z). The offenders fled the area in unknown direction and manner. Estimated value of damage and items taken $100,000.

Suspect Description:
Suspect #1: Black male, late teens to early 20's, thin mustache, wearing a hooded sweatshirt "Rebel" on the front.
Suspect #2: Black male, mid to late 20's, braids in hair, thin build, wearing dark shirt and dark pants.
Suspect #3: Black male, late teens to early 20's, medium complexion, dark jacket, white shirt with a crown logo and wording dark lettering.

If you see these suspects do not approach, contact 911 immediately.
To submit a tip via telephone, dial 215.686.TIPS (8477) or text a tip to PPD TIP or 773847.
All tips will be confidential.

If you have any information about this crime or these suspects, please contact:
Northwest Detective Division:
DC 20-35-044683

Burglary,5557 N 5th St,DC 20 35 044683,

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