
RIDDLES RED TO PURPLE Splendid Summer Event - Trove (Quests) Dazzling Dracolyte Preview Sunfest

RIDDLES RED TO PURPLE Splendid Summer Event  - Trove (Quests) Dazzling Dracolyte Preview Sunfest Sunfest Riddle Answer
Prismatic Essence - Go to dragon cave in hub and press E on right eye of the dragon on the wall

Red Essence - Orange flower below the spiral cave ore at Cherise Sandsea biome on geode topside (use /epicpose to see thru walls)

Orange Essence - Stay on someone ganda blocks

Yellow Essence - You need , 1 x Green Torch , 1 x Green Fearnflower Pip (Put the green torch down,and then the fearnflower seed,use insta grower and laser the fearnflower)

Green Essence - Bomb to edge of thall dragon lair and locate the blue sphere dragon,use essence then press E on it,need 6 thall dragon fragment to craft blue essence

Blue Essence - Go to old hub , go to cave all the way down by using cornerstone,find a skeleton name Kevin,use essence and press e on it

Purple Essence - Go to the Big Tree with rainbows 3 star dungeon in fae or highland and use essence to find small yellow crown around the dungeons

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