The steps I follow are pretty simple really. I wet sand from 120 all the way up to 12,000 crit to get a really smooth sanded finish. After a certain grit, I move on to Micromesh, because it gives a smooth finish, and most sandpaper does not go up to the grits that you can get from micromesh.
After that, I use PlastiX polish to really give the now glass-like finish on the dice a really shiny appearance. If you bring these shined up bad-boys to your next dnd session, your players will notice :)
Then I "ink" the dice, which just means I color in the numbers on the faces. I use acrylic paint and put a large glob on the number, then wipe away the excess. Super fast, no muss no fuss method. Obviously it's better to paint it super carefully, but I ain't got that kinda time, and admit it, neither do you.
Then boom, you got yourself a complete set :)
Amazon Link to Similar Sandpaper:
Amazon Link to PlastiX Polish:
RainbowshopCN's Etsy Page:
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