
Donor Sues Pro-Trump Group For Failing To Prove Voter Fraud Happened

Donor Sues Pro-Trump Group For Failing To Prove Voter Fraud Happened A donor to the pro-Trump group "True The Vote" has sued the group over their repeated failures to prove that widespread voter fraud - or ANY voter fraud - actually ocurred in this election. The donor claims that they gave to the group to fight back against this "fraud," but were repeatedly given the runaround when they asked for evidence that the fraud took place. Farron Cousins discusses the lawsuit and whether it has a chance of succeeding.

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A donor who gave two and a half million dollars to a pro-Trump group called true. The vote is now suing true the vote for their failure to produce any evidence at all of voter fraud. In the 2020 election, the man is named Fred Eschelman of Eshelman ventures, LLC. He's the founder of Eshelman ventures, LLC. And he was contacted by true the vote, wired him $2 million to begin with because they said, uh, they needed to file lawsuits. In swing States, they were going to collect whistleblower complaints. They were going to increase the GOP legislative support in key States. And they were going to conduct sophisticated data modeling and statistical analysis to identify potential illegal or fraudulent balloting. And that is according to the lawsuit that was filed, they then said they need more money than just the 2 million. So he gives him another half million dollars bringing the grand total to two and a half million.

And according to the lawsuit that mr Ashelman is filed, he said that throughout all this, he was asking him for updates like, Hey, uh, you say, you're going to prove this, what you got. You know, you got two and a half million of my dollars. Show me something, give me what you got. And he said that they kept giving him the run around couldn't ever produce anything changeable. So he's suing him. He wants his money. He believed that he has been conned by this group. And to be perfectly Frank, it appears as if he has been conned by this group. And so of countless others and not just the true the vote, the Trump campaign has still been fundraising off of these fraudulent claims of voter fraud. Cindy out emails to people saying, Hey, the fight's not over. We got to fight these legal battles.

Send us your money. By the way, half the money you donate. If you read the fine print, it's going to go on to actually pay off our campaign debts, but please keep sending us money. Sorry, mr. Eshelman you got played and it sucks. It really, it does. Um, it sucks that you were attempting to undermine democracy with your money is what really sucks. The fact that you likely got swindled out of it. I don't care at all. As they say a fool and his money are soon parted. And that appears to be what happened to you, mr. Ashelman look, when you give money to a super pack, when you give money to a campaign, do you know what it is? Folks it's essentially gambling. It is placing a bet that this candidate or this issue is going to win. And just like any other bets, you place, you either win or you lose.

And in this case he lost. Now, the courts may not see it that way. And that's where this thing does actually get interesting. They did present it to mr. Ashelman, as they may have the evidence they're going to do these things with the money he gave them the, on that belief, they obviously, according to his lawsuit, didn't do these things. So is there a suit there we'll find out, we'll find out what happens as this progresses. And to be honest, I would like to see, I would like to see this succeed. Not because I care for mr Ashelman or his money whatsoever. No, no, no, no. I would like for this to succeed because this could absolutely turn the tables on political funding since we can't get money out of politics, as it is, what if we just make it easier for donors to just get their money back? That's going to make it a little bit less likely for some of these groups to accept it. I know that's a long shot. I'm probably engaging in wishful thinking here, but Hey, as long as you have money in politics, you're going to have rich people like mr. Ashelman thinking they can just throw money at something and have it their way.

We'll see what happen. It's going to be interesting either way, but to be honest, I am fairly certain that Eshelman is just going to have to take the L here because you gave them that money. What they do with it from that point forward is totally up to them.

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