Although 와 Though
똑같이 접속사로 사용하실 수 있습니다.
1. Used as conjunctions (여기서의 차이점은 Though is informal)
Although the exam was difficult, I think I did well.
I think I did well although the exam was difficult.
두 문장의 뜻에 실질적 차이는 없습니다.
그러나 일단 영어는 더 중요한 말이
항상 먼저 나옵니다.
Though the exam was difficult, I think I did well. (informal)
I think I did well though the exam was difficult. (informal)
자, 그리고 though는 although 와 달리
문장 끝에 부사처럼 쓸 수 있습니다.
The exam was difficult. I think I did well though. (‘though’ as an adverb)
글 보다는 말에서 더 많이 쓰이죠.
Even though 의 경우 though 보다 더 강하게 대조를 표현합니다.
Even though the exam was easy, I failed. (Drastic! The word ‘even’ shows this nuance!)
Even though 는 though 의 강조 표현 (though 처럼 부사로 쓸 수는 없다)
Although 앞에 Even 이 붙을 수는 없다. Although 가 이미 All + though 이기 때문에
여기서 he worked hard 같은 ‘절’을 ‘명사(구)’로 바꾸면 같은 의미를 전달할 수 있는 표현이 바로
In spite of his hard work, he failed the exam.
(= Although he worked hard, he failed the exam/Though he worked hard, he failed the exam)
Despite his hard work, he failed the exam.
(= Although he worked hard, he failed the exam/Though he worked hard, he failed the exam)
Even though 와 Although/Though 의 어감 차이
1. Even though I agreed with it, it wasn’t entirely my decision. (이 문장 보다는)
Even though I did not agree with it at all, people thought it was entirely my decision.
(이런 문장을 표현할 때 더 맛깔 납니다)
2. Even though he was late, he stopped by the café for his coffee. (이 문장 보다는)
Even though he was apparently late, he stopped by the café for his coffee.
(이런 문장을 표현할 때 더 맛깔 납니다)
4. Even though he worked hard, he failed the exam. (이 문장 보다는)
Even though he did not work hard at all, he aced the exam.
(이런 문장을 표현할 때 더 맛깔 납니다)
문장끝에 붙는 though 의 정확한 어감
앞서 말한 사실이 조금 바뀔 수 있는 새로운 사실이나 의견을 덧붙일 때 사용한다.
1. It wasn’t entirely my decision, I partially agreed with it though.
2. He even stopped by the café for his coffee, he didn’t stay for long though.
3. The exam was extremely difficult, he still passed it though.
Though/Although/Even though + Clause
Despite/In spite of + Phrase
Though as an adverb
Used to add a new fact or opinion that changes what you have just said
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