
SYPHUS_Audio_Archive: Case - Feral Ranch (VIDEO 2)

SYPHUS_Audio_Archive: Case - Feral Ranch (VIDEO 2) An uploaded archive of the Feral Ranch case, one of my last missions while working with Amalgus. This took me to the year 2003, mid January. I updated it with notes that touch on the situation, but I do want to let listeners know that I am better now, I've since learned how to control the inhumanity. Here are the RAW log notes from the original post:
"Joshua has a blue blood within him known as Inhuman Ichor. We don’t really know too much about it, other then when emotionally awakened, it can take control of him and amplify his senses and strength. When under its influence, Josh has been given the codename “AGONY” because of the pain it puts him through to use this blood. It sounds like whatever entity in him liked the name as well, from what we’ve been told. From the recount, Agony was able to literally beat Ravage to a pulp. The only thing remaining was mush and some bones that burned away soon after. And you WONDER why we don’t like him going off alone. If that thing ever went rogue, or turned evil, nobody I know of has the firepower to put it down."

[A link to the video that opened on my phone and interrupted my hunt: ]


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